Tuesday 20 January 2009

yes you can.

I am writing this whilst watching history being made American history maybe but history never the less, this will be in our children’s history books just like martin Luther king was in ours, I am talking of course of the inauguration of Obama the first African-American president.
He symbolise change, was always against the war in Iraq, and well.. seams like a nice guy so congratulations America.
Barack will now move into the white house that was built 200 years ago by afro-Caribbean slaves, just makes it more meaningful doesn’t it?
There is concentration on his father because he is African, but lets not forget the person that actually brought him up, his mother Stanley Ann Dunham (yes Stanley, she was given her fathers name) who is of English-Irish descent! and who’s best friend in high school, said: "She touted herself as an Atheist, it was something she'd read about and could argue. She was always challenging and arguing and comparing. She was already thinking about things that the rest of us hadn't”. (thanks wikipedia)
See, how cool was his mum? Lol
Ok enough politics, I haven’t written any blogs as I haven’t had anything to write about, basically my life is boring!
so an update of today?:

Why its a good day?
I had to show 7 Chinese students around my college, I was talking to their guard Mr.Wong (I didn’t just make that up that’s how he introduced himself) he’s 23 and goes to university here, the students old school day was from 9am - 8pm (8PM!!!) I tried to talk to them but their English wasn’t that good they’re really sweet though lol, but any way that was my slight break in the monotony of life for today.

Why its a bad day?
I miss my intellectual friends, if I meet one more person at my college that doesn’t know who the prime Minster is. I might just die.

Well that’s about it, I will try and write more blogs more often, and I leave you with my own view on a much talked about subject.
Love is subjective

1 comment:

cburns15 said...

:D Nice range of topics there. Lol at the last comment.