Sunday 8 February 2009

Stealing from a thief isn’t stealing its irony.

I took this from Channers, who im guessing took it from some place else, so its all good. (aka the title)

1. What is your favourite memory from the past? When I went to cornwall with Harriett and climbed up a cliff over looking the sea where we found an in-dent in the cliff face with two flat slabs of rock, we laid down on one each and fell asleep, It was the most calm Ive ever been and although ive always thought money was very important I remember thinking, "This is so simple, and yet im happy" (im not sure if quoting what I thought is really correct but never mind).
(also im aware that this happness would have stopped when the sun went down and i got cold/hungry)

2. What event or person has had the biggest effect on your life? My Father, ADT, Harriett, Richard Dawkins.

3. What are you most proud of in your life? who Im trying to be.

4. Has anything tragic happened to you recently? Um, my cat is dying, and ive lost my photography folder that has all my coursework in thats due in monday, but tragic?No. its all
comparative isnt it?

. If yes, how are you coping? by filling in pointless questionnaires on blogger to make my mind think its doing something because I feel guilty when doing nothing so I read or write because then I feel “busy” but really I should be doing college work but the pressure that I may fail causes me sub-consciously to wonder to blogger or a book, and although I know I have now made it conscious I shall stay anyway. :)

6. Who was your role model growing up?
Mark Speight (smart/r.i.p) + Rolf Harris (animal hospital)

7. What is your least favourite food?

.8. Do you believe you have accomplished all you want to in life? yup, just gotta sign on and ave me some babies. :/ .... NO! ive not started living, im just preparing.

.9. Who are you most proud of at the moment? Vuki, for driving a car lol! and eveyone that did what I couldnt and stayed on at AtA.

10. has anything anyone said saved your life? Yes.
11. What one thing would you like your kids to know about your life at the moment? Pass.
.12. If you were to die tomorrow would you like to be buried or cremated?
I want by body to be donated to medical science so the german guy who looks like freddie can have a look inside ..Mwhhahaha. :)
.13. If you had to say sorry to someone who would it be and what for?
my future self - for not trying harder.
.14. Are you addicted to anything? Coffee.
15. How many children would you like to have? cross that bridge when/if we come to it.
.16. What religion are you? None (not Nun, NONE lol) there is no god, im 99.9% sure.
.17. What was your favourite cartoon when you were young? Arthur and power rangers, but I didnt really like cartoons its all about the queens nose/bernerds watch.
18. Are you a slob or clean freak? both, at different times.
19. Are you in love? If not, do you want to find someone perfect? No I am not, and on my thoughts on there being someone "perfect" for me see Tim minchin- if I didnt have you (use youtube dumbass)
.20. What is the most valuable life lesson you have learnt so far? What people say isnt always true, even if they belive it.
and many things are subjective but some things are just wrong.